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Sarah Jayne Bell

Welcome to my Muse

I am so delighted that I have finally arrived at this place and time and I am able to offer you Circle work and In Meditation.

Circle and Meditation has become a very deep tender space for me and over the years and months and I have come to recognise its truth as a gift. I now hold space for you to recognise the same.

I run In Circle on a Monday and Friday for women only and on a Tuesday and Fridays for everyone.

In Meditation is run on a Wednesday and Thursdays.

Contact me here on

My life like yours has been a journey, a story. We all have our own story. We all have our own trials and tribulations as we walk our pathway. What I have found through my journey is my gift of soul, my spirit which resides deep in the heart of me. And so too, deep in the heart of you. We are Spirit in human form walking a human pathway. What I know deep within me is we are all the same we all have the capacity to connect more fully with our soul. It is just allowing the space and time to do this. The space to breath deeply and listen to your own heart beat. To listen to the whispers of your own soul. Your own soul is willing you to connect fully, your own soul is waiting patiently for you to arrive, and to connect with your self. To show up for yourself.

Our lives in this time and space are changing. The collective consciousness is changing and it cannot come to soon. We live in a time when we are looking inward for our connection, we are beginning to recognise our truth. We are starting to recognise our old self as the dehumanising shape that our societies have created, that culture and policy demands of us. We were never created to become the Fordism robotic entities that our societies expect of us. To clock in and out with a time that is not within us. We were never meant to be categorised and pigeon holed into a false sense of self. Our working conditions, the way our children are schooled, the very fabric of our societies, dehumanises the essence of self. No it was never meant to be this way.

Luckily collectively we are waking from the veil of forgetfulness, luckily we are connecting to our soul purpose. Millions of lightworkers like me and you are fully awake and are willing to stand together and be counted. We are able to offer to ourselves and others a kinder way to live, work and be. We are moving into a time of restructure and realignment with the universal energetic fields backing us one hundred percent. All those who are awake have been given the gift of light. And we all know that human kind was meant for exactly that, kindness.

Through Love, Kindness and compassion is how humans grow and deepen to their self. Love yourself first. Show kindness in all you do for yourself and treat yourself with compassion. When you fully love yourself you are aligned to love and show kindness and compassion to all you come in contact with, to shine your light out like a beacon. As a stone is thrown into a lake, we create ripples. Let the ripples of Love, Kindness and Compassion flood through all of our lives.


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