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Sarah Jayne Bell

The Cross of Kildalton

This was not by any means the beginning of my 3-and-a-half-year journey. No, landing on the Isle of Mull then the Isle of Erraid and then Iona was well into year two of my journey. What I received in abundance on all three remote islands was peace and tranquillity and the ability for me to stand still and become at one with myself and nature. This was a very spiritual time, and a time were instead of the feelings of turbulence, fear and isolation, I felt love deep inside for myself. Here standing at the foot of the Cross of Kildalton I found my spirit. I found Christ consciousness, and humility filled my soul. I had come home.

The cross was calved over 1.300 years ago and was one of the very first to be calved. Some say from Ireland, others say Iona which was my mistake as the sacred story I was told the day before was not to pass my lips. This is the original Sarah, said the well learned gentleman as I was washing his feet. And the next day standing at the foot of the Cross of Kildalton I knew it to be so.

Later I jumped into the Icy ocean and swam in its beauty and gave gratitude to all four elements, earth, fire, water and air and all four corners of the world, north, east, south and west and gratitude to the Divine for my breath.



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