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Sarah Jayne Bell

Journey to Self

I am going to continue with the theme of journey to self for the next couple of weeks and add in abundance for the transition from summer into autumn. I'm a really early riser and I'm enjoying the quiet of my first walk with Tina and reflecting on the steps I have taken to this present moment. Ron shared his poem with me yesterday

and agreed I can share it with you. Thank you Ron for sharing your beautiful words on Journey.


Your Journey...


Your journey of discovery

Starts with a single step

As a path unfolds before you

While listening to the inner voice

That you've ignored for so long

Until now.

This is where you are meant to be at this time

Here in the present moment.

Notice how the paths zig zag

Just as a river has calm spots and fierce rapids

So do the paths of life.

It's not just one fork in the road

And one right or wrong path.

It is a journey of many chapters

Some dark and some light

Trust in synchronicity, open up to the idea

That intention attracts the right people

And circumstances into your life.

Keep taking one single step

Letting the universe guide you

To be the person you're meant to be

One at peace with yourself

And the world around you.

Be who you want to be

Living your dream, your life.


Copyright © Ron Booth


Ron is Lincoln based and you can regularly find him at the Birdcage bringing many folks together from all walks of life, sharing their stories of life, love, laughter and tears through words, rhyme, poetry and music. A true gentleman and friend to all – many blessings to you Ron and thank you for contributing to my post.


What steps have you taken to create the life you seek?


The image is taken from the Isle of Islay - a very special journey for me. I was in search of the Cross of Kildalton, I thought I found it on the Isle of Iona but I was mistaken. A client I was supporting on Islay told me of an ancient story as he saw the cross around my neck. The original Sarah is just up the road a few miles away. So the next day I set off to find it. The journey was an enlightenment and forged the next steps for my journey.



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