Thank you Amber for your kind words of wisdom yesterday. I am going to carry them through for the rest of the week and really sit with the beauty of the meaning. 'Perfectly Imperfect'
We all strive each day to show up in our world. We wear masks to help us camouflage who we truly are, what we are truly feeling. We stick our mask to our face daily like brushing our teeth and combing our hair. We play out a façade of interactions, communications and scripts we have rehearsed a thousand times over. We kid ourselves and others of who we truly are, how we truly feel and wonder at the end of this, 'why does nobody understand me'? Why am I not heard, why do people not listen?
We sink ourselves into a kaleidoscope of myth and mirth. Oh, the craziness of it all!
Wouldn't it be really refreshing if we could all stand in our own truth and be brave enough to say, 'what is really going on with us'? To remove the mask and show our true self. Do we even know who we truly are? Do you know yourself, really know yourself? Probably not if your truthful, because your mask has become your armour not only to the outside world but internally to yourself. You wear your mask with pride. I know it as I once wore it that way.
We have worn our masks for so long we actually believe we are somebody we are actually not. We mask our feelings, we mask our beliefs encase they may offend another's. We mask our pains, emotional and physical. How many people take the screw lid off the pain killers before leaving for work in the morning for physical health and then on arriving are greeted with, 'morning, how are you today'? 'I'm fine thank you, is your reply'! What the hell of it. We wear a mask when we pick up our kids, wear a mask going on a first date, we wear a mask, we wear a masks, we become the mask!
I was really inspired today after reading beautifully written posts here on Substack. I'm at a point in my own evolution were I don't wear a mask ever. I use to. It became burdensome, heavy to carry. It irritated my smile, deadened my senses to be real. Wearing my mask often tripped me up, caught me out, showed the cracks. You know what I mean. So I removed it long ago and what you see is what you get. It suits me better. I own myself, truly own myself.
When I am asked a question, say 'how are you today'? I give the truth. If I cannot show up for myself I do not show up for anyone at all. I don't pretend to feel well if I am not, I don't pretend to say everything is fine when clearly my house is burning down! and neither should any of us. We should whip off the masks as soon as we possible can and begin by tolerating ourselves first.
There is a saying, 'charity begins at home'. What if we change its meaning slightly. What if we are home, we are our own home. The self is our own home. Why not start giving charity to ourselves first. Tending to our own temple. Being real, being true to the self and speaking your truth to the world. Now that would be refreshing and I mean really refreshing! Charity begins at home, charity begins with the self, knowing thyself.
So too too finish with the words of wisdom I was given to ingest by the beautiful Amber who most definitely has thrown away her mask. I face the world, Perfectly Imperfect ~ And so should you!