We are well and truly into the Autumn; the leaves have turned to their golden, reds and orange and fall gently to the ground. Autumn really is my favourite month, its very close to my heart. It is the month I was born into this world in this incarnation. The air every morning is now cooler and the weather here in the Shire, wet. A taste of things to come, me thinks. I still managed a beautiful dip on the Harvest Full Moon on the coast of our Shire.
The gathering of the full season’s growth has been harvested, stored and packed away for the slowing down off the land. What remains in the land are the winter crops buried deep in the earth were they slowly fatten. Protected by the earth from the coming frosts. Let’s just pray the rains this Autumn are not as ferocious as last year, and the crops stay healthy and plump for mid-winter consumption. At the beginning of the month, I was deeply held in what abundance felt and looked like for me. I was looking forward to new connexions both inside and outside. I was not disappointed.
Held and Honoured Inside
Inside I have certainly grown in abundance. At the beginning of the month I meet two beautiful souls, one who was my teacher and guide and the other my fellow traveller and oh boy, what a journey we embraced together. As a sister of Christ Consciousness of Shiva Energy and Kundalini Awakening, embracing my Past Life and deep diving into previous incarnations was a massive revelation and a joy. And I can safely say this journey has just begun.
I am currently guiding two clients on their own past life healing experiences and the process of connection for me is another layer of spiritual understanding which comes with a deeper knowing and much humility and grace. It will be a little while longer before I become a fully-fledged practitioner in the field of Past Life Healing and Regression but the journey to that point is in and of itself mind blowing! For this I have much gratitude.
Held and Honoured Outside
Outside although the growing season has well and truly slowed, for Held and Honoured the exact opposite is true. I feel the slow quickening of connexion within my community and this feeling brings joy and excitement. Gathering folks together In Circle is what my intention has been for a long time now. And connecting over zoom is a miraculous way to connect with folks across the globe my In Circle on zoom is taking off nicely. I have so much gratitude for Beheld over the pond in USA for holding me so beautifully through my journey of planting my seeds, of growing, of watering and nurturing until I finally too am in my time of harvest. So, it brings so much joy to be able to connect face to face with my community.
There was no real plan just a walk out with Tina the Greyhound and a casual meet up with Lynn who was busy tending to the earth that the Dawber Garden that the Healing Circle came about. Right in the heart of the city, what could be more beautiful. So, the Dawber Garden Healing circle has been birthed and I feel the first tender roots growing into the earth. And so not to let those tender roots get washed away I decided I would plant this seed in a pot so I can keep it safe and not let this become washed away with the oncoming rains. The group meets weekly on a Monday morning and whenever possible through the coming months sat out together in nature amongst the trees and flowers in the beautiful, tended garden. When it is too wet, I will move our Healing Circle inside to the Blue Room at the Lawns to ensure its growth and to nurture the connexions and the healing that the circle brings.
I have made many more connexions within my community, Stuart at the Zenfest and the beautiful work he conducts within the Shire. I have met Laura down the allotment and look forward to meeting more of the Monday afternoon garden group. I took a car boot full of plants and we spent a happy afternoon in the late September sun planting them up in their new beds. It will be great to see the abundance through the coming season down at the allotments with Laura.
Held and Honoured – In Our World
Held and Honoured is starting to form its roots deeper into our world and seeds which have fallen themselves are beginning to take hold. I have been invited to write for a Health and Wellbeing magazine which I am truly delighted about. Together with new up and coming connexions for more face-to-face circle work within the Shire with a little harder to reach folk. This Circle work would be an honour indeed.
Often the best plan is not to have one, just flow with now. My deep knowing of the Divine helps cultivate my flow, my letting go, and grants abundance in ways that I could not imagine. The Divine knows what you need and when in surrender and flow the greatest things in your life come to pass. They come into being. Something I will be teaching within my circles for certain.
So, both Inside and Outside, in Myself, in my Community and in our World; Held and Honoured is growing, quietly spreading its roots deep into the earth with much gratitude and grace.
How do you tend to your roots?
How do you allow flow into your life?
How do you connect deeply to your divine?